Trump and Parmigiano Reggiano

Trump and Parmigiano Reggiano

Following a ruling from the WTO, the Trump administration is set to impose $7.5 billion worth of tariffs on a wide range of European products.  The tariffs come as a result of a long-standing dispute between the US and the EU in which the latter was accused of...
Baked Beans and Brexit

Baked Beans and Brexit

Brits love baked beans.  Consuming more than every other nation combined, Britain has had a long-standing love affair with these tomato-bathed legumes.  In 1912, tins of baked beans were a staple in the diet of Captain Scott and his comrades as they struggled across...
Italian Olive Oil:  Is it worth its price?

Italian Olive Oil: Is it worth its price?

2016 was a bleak year for Italian Olive Oil, as harvests brought in the lowest yields experienced for decades.  Data from the Institute of Services for the Agricultural and Food Market (ISMEA) calculated a 62% drop in the quantity of olives collected (182,000 tons)...